
Georgia Support Group Meeting

conference & educational events

Organized by Siegel Rare Neuroimmune Association


The Shepherd Center

2020 Peachtree Road Northwest, AtlantaGA30309US (map)


Join us for an in-person support group meeting hosted by Jodi and Laurie, our Georgia Support Group Leaders! The meeting will take place at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, Georgia, and online. If you are an individual diagnosed or a care partner for someone with ADEM, AFM, MOGAD, NMOSD, ON, or TM, we invite you to join us.

Come connect with others and discuss what it’s like living with a rare neuroimmune disorder. Ask questions, share your stories, or just listen – everyone is welcome. If you’d like to attend, please email Jodi at [email protected].

COVID-19 Considerations

COVID-19 represents a real and significant risk to our community. If you or anyone in your household is experiencing symptoms or has tested positive we ask that you stay home. Masking is optional. If you develop symptoms following the event, please notify us at [email protected]. Please be advised that COVID-19 risks will not be completely eliminated. Even with every intention to minimize risks, SRNA realizes that every attendee must balance these issues and make their own decision regarding risks.  On behalf of all in attendance, thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
