
Freestyle Movement Class


Organized by Disability Sports Foundation

through (PDT)



In September, our new Freestyle Movement Class will be introduced in Temecula. Geared toward ages 12 and up, this vibrant class invites individuals of all skill levels, whether you're a seasoned mover or just starting out. Bid farewell to rigid routines; here, you have the freedom to express yourself through a fusion of dance styles set to diverse music genres.

Feel the beat moving through you as you let go and discover the thrill of uninhibited movement. Our instructor and volunteers are there to offer support and adjustments to ensure everyone can participate and feel empowered. The class is inclusive for both ambulatory and non-ambulatory individuals, as well as those with sensory sensitivities. Modifications like brighter lighting, reduced noise levels, and sound-responsive light bars will be used to enhance accessibility for all attendees.

Register HERE.
