
Handcycle and Bicycle Ride - Seabreeze Amphitheater

paddling: kayak & sup etc

Organized by Shifting Gears United


Seabreeze Amphitheater (Carlin Park), 750 South, Florida A1A, Jupiter, Jupiter, 33477


Join other Handcycle and Bicycle Riders (All levels, all abilities) for an enjoyable scenic ride along the Jupiter beach.
We meet at the Seabreeze Amphitheater at Carlin Park at 7:30 am with Pedals Up at 8:00 am.
There are a few handcycles available to borrow, but be sure to contact Jacqui two days prior to the ride.
Items to bring: helmet, flag for handcycles, hydration, electrolytes, SGU jersey, sunscreens sunglasses, etc. Anything you might need.
Please arrive prepared.
