Note: Organizations can import an entire calendar and any new events the organization adds to its calendar will then appear on this site. To import your calendar:Create an Org right here on this page. Remember to add appropriate tags!Import a calendar and use the dropdown to associate it with the organization you createdNameWebsiteDescription <p>Joe Grote, Founder of G4Good Foundation.</p> <p><strong>The G4Good Foundation</strong> is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization whose mission is to help Good People Do Good Things. G4Good started Scuba4Good with the goal of raising money to support adaptive diving in South Florida.</p> <p><strong>Our mission</strong></p> <p>Is to make adaptive diving more accessible for any adult, child or veteran with a disability by working with local dive shops, dive instructors and other non-profits to achieve this goal.</p> <p><strong>The Scuba4Good Music Festival</strong> was started in 2016 and is the single largest fundraising activity for adaptive diving in South Florida. In addition to our annual music festival we also support other fundraising activities including our smaller “concert series” music events and art auctions featuring local artists and galleries.</p> <p>The funds raised at our various events are used to support our adaptive diving programs by: Providing training scholarships for adaptive divers, adaptive buddies and instructors Subsidizing the cost of dive trips for adaptive divers and their buddies Providing dive equipment for adaptive divers Hosting monthly free Discover Scuba Experiences at Coral Ridge Yacht Club Would you like to get involved with Scuba4Good in South Florida? Contact us today!</p> Organization locationContact nameContact form urlContact emailContact phoneInstagramFacebookTagsAdd applicable events tags. Start typing to see options to select. You can enter custom text and hit the + to lock it in.Cancel