Note: Organizations can import an entire calendar and any new events the organization adds to its calendar will then appear on this site. To import your calendar:Create an Org right here on this page. Remember to add appropriate tags!Import a calendar and use the dropdown to associate it with the organization you createdNameWebsiteDescription <p>About INDVSA</p> <p>At INDVSA we help educate disabled veterans and the public about adaptive sporting activities that are available to participate in, as well as getting adults and children with disabilities into these events for their healthier lifestyle. We bring activities into an area that includes both the disabled and able body athletes. We help disabled veterans learn about adaptive equipment that will enhance their enjoyment of sporting activities they can participate in, to encourage better health.</p> <p>The INDVSA has become a Paralympic Sports Club and will be bringing more sporting programs to the disabled in the coming months we look forward to bringing more and better sports programs into the Coeur d’Alene, Spokane, and surrounding areas.</p> <p>We are a team of active disabled veterans dedicated to taking down the barriers to an active and engaged lifestyle and we want to<br /> help you find your inner athlete, answer your training questions, and get you involved in the sports that you’ll enjoy the most.</p> <p>As one of our members, we’ll also help you get to some exciting and inspiring sporting events like the National Veterans Wheelchair Games, the National Disabled Veterans Winter SportsClinic, or even the National Veterans Golden AgeGames.</p> <p>Our team is also dedicated to teaching the public about what we CAN do, not just what we can’t.</p> <p>We have the same drive and dreams as anyone! And we especially enjoy passing our enthusiasm on to children with disabilities,<br /> showing them that they can play baseball and soccer, swim, bike, and race, too.</p> <p>Join us today and help take down the barriers!</p> <p>National Outreach</p> <p>One of the ways we really enjoy our summers is to train for and go to the National Veterans Wheelchair Games! Several of our members are training to participate in their third year of attendance and some are looking forward to their first-time participation in this national disabled sporting event. We are a part of the Spokane VA Medical Center “Team Spokane’, this event provides us with valuable experience. We not only gain exposure and confidence in our chosen sports, but we also have the opportunity to see what else is available. The camaraderie, spirit, and ability to try new sporting events are invaluable in furthering our mission to reduce the barriers to an active and healthy lifestyle</p> Organization locationContact nameContact form urlContact emailContact phoneInstagramFacebookTagsAdd applicable events tags. Start typing to see options to select. You can enter custom text and hit the + to lock it in.Cancel