Note: Organizations can import an entire calendar and any new events the organization adds to its calendar will then appear on this site. To import your calendar:Create an Org right here on this page. Remember to add appropriate tags!Import a calendar and use the dropdown to associate it with the organization you createdNameWebsiteDescription <p><strong>OUR MISSION</strong></p> <p>Paradox Sports is dedicated to transforming lives and communities through adaptive climbing opportunities that defy convention.</p> <p><strong>WHY CLIMBING?</strong></p> <p>Our founders were climbers and believed in its transformational power. They also understood that we all ‘adapt’ in climbing due to the equipment required. It provides an opportunity to be present in both mind and body, and often individuals discover that the only “disability” holding you back is peoples perception of what’s possible.</p> <p><strong>WHAT WE DO</strong></p> <p>Paradox Sports offers accessible climbing opportunities for people with differing abilities, defying the perception that people with a ‘disability’ cannot lead a life of adventure.</p> <p>We provide outdoor rock and ice climbing trips, training and local programs.</p> <p>We are passionate about engaging and welcoming everyone who is interested in participating, and at our core, we believe in building community.</p> Organization locationContact nameContact form urlContact emailContact phoneInstagramFacebookTagsAdd applicable events tags. Start typing to see options to select. You can enter custom text and hit the + to lock it in.Cancel