Note: Organizations can import an entire calendar and any new events the organization adds to its calendar will then appear on this site. To import your calendar:Create an Org right here on this page. Remember to add appropriate tags!Import a calendar and use the dropdown to associate it with the organization you createdNameWebsiteDescription <p><strong>Who We Are</strong></p> <p>Our mission is to empower and enrich lives through adaptive recreational activities.</p> <p>Our vision is to provide life-changing experiences for our participants.</p> <p><strong>What We Do</strong></p> <p>Based in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, STARS offers year-round life-changing adaptive programs that promote independence, self-esteem, and a healthy lifestyle for youth and adults with disabilities. We embrace inclusiveness and what we can do, not what we can’t do. We celebrate the 'power of possible', the freedom of independence, and the exhilaration that comes from recreating outside!</p> <p><strong>Who We Serve</strong></p> <p>Individuals with cognitive and/or physical disabilities, injured Veterans, and their families.</p> <p><strong>Our Programs</strong></p> <p>STARS offers daily programs throughout the winter season and weekly programs and camps during the summer in alpine skiing, nordic skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, archery, cycling, hiking, horseback riding, kayaking, mountain biking, paddle sports, water Skiing, and more.</p> <p><strong>Why Participate</strong></p> <p>STARS’ programs help individuals discover the outdoors and teach skills to overcome health challenges, as well as develop confidence, self-esteem, and independence.</p> <p><strong>Our Story</strong></p> <p>STARS was formed in 2007 by a group of parents, ski instructors, and management from Steamboat Ski Corporation to help provide improved winter recreational opportunities for people with disabilities.</p> <p>In 2010, STARS was contracted by Steamboat Ski Corporation to be the exclusive operator of all winter adaptive lessons and programs for the Steamboat Ski area. Since then, STARS has grown to offer year-round programming on and off the mountain.</p> <p>In 2021, the STARS Ranch was completed, providing a fully accessible 27-bed lodge and recreational ranch facility that sits on the valley floor in beautiful Steamboat Springs, Colorado, creating a unique, healing environment for our participants, allowing them to not just survive, but thrive.</p> Organization locationContact nameContact form urlContact emailContact phoneInstagramFacebookTagsAdd applicable events tags. Start typing to see options to select. You can enter custom text and hit the + to lock it in.Cancel